BMW Panhellenic Presentation of the iX3

As the first Panhellenic presentation of the electric BMW iX3, the Amuse team was asked to design an immersive and creative digital environment capable of keeping the viewers’ interest.
Since the iX3 could not be taken for a test drive, we needed to highlight the competitive advantages through digital media while maintaining the impact of the traditional methods.
Due to the constraints imposed by the pandemic and the restrictive measures for guests to be physically present, Amuse designed and implemented a unique experience that awakened the guests’ senses digitally and provided them with a special experience that reinforced BMW’s brand image.
The BMW iX3 was placed in a green box under simulated motion, giving a realistic view of the car in motion. The image was transmitted via live stream where journalists and the public watched.
A chat room was created for the media and the public to engage and ask the BMW executives questions about the car.
In total and the events attracted more than 4,000 spectators. Among those, around 50 journalists from Automotive, Business, Lifestyle & Sports Media magazines as well as well-known influencers. They all actively participated in a live chat room with Q&A sessions.